
Have you seen an ad that greenwashes?

In France and Belgium, advertising juries have been set up. They are self-regulatory organizations in the advertising sector to prevent abuse from taking place. And to ensure healthier advertising.

As a result, you can file a complaint against an advertisement you have seen in 5 clicks. And against any type of advertising: whether it is a display ad, a digital ad, a message on a package, a flyer, etc.

We therefore invite you to file a complaint if an advertisement does not respect the rules. That is our role as consumers.

Here are a few rules.

Now you know everything. So we count on you to file a complaint if an advertisement does not respect one of these rules. To carry out your work as a citizen.

Here is the link to file a complaint in Belgium with the Advertising Ethics Board (JEP): 

And here is the link to do it in France to the advertising ethics jury (JDP): 

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